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Dremio – 5 Best Practices to Eliminate Costly Data Copies With an SQL Lakehouse

Common Sense Virtual Roundtable

In this session, we discussed how to make data readily accessible directly from your cloud data lake storage with the speed and performance your business users are looking for, without creating multiple data copies.

Crate – Your Data is Fragmented – Here’s How to Bring it Together to Drive Digitalization & AI

Common Sense Virtual Roundtable

70% of businesses say they are gathering data faster than they can analyze and use it. A big part of this problem has to do with having fragmented data caused by the lack of the right technologies to enable data insights.

CyberMDX – How to Secure Your Healthcare Delivery from Ransomware

Common Sense Virtual Roundtable

In this session, we discussed what you should know – bare minimum – and what others are doing with their cyber intelligence to remediate and mitigate any and all attacks, especially via connected medical devices.

Ekata – Onboarding Merchants Online: The European Marketplace Playbook

Common Sense Virtual Roundtable

Treating digital merchants as first-class citizens is quickly becoming a vital aspect of staying competitive in any industry: from payments to business lending and eCommerce marketplaces.

Epsilon – How BFSI Wins in the “Attention Economy”

Common Sense Virtual Roundtable

Tech leaders including innovative digital retailers are rewriting the rules of engagement and loyalty in retail. What customer engagement lessons can retailers learn from disruptive digital entrants?