Rockpool Bar & Grill, Sydney_1920x1080

Turning Data Chaos
into Data That Fuels
your Modern Business

Networking Dinner at Rockpool Bar & Grill, Sydney

Successfully held on 21st March 2024

Turning Data Chaos into Data That Fuels your Modern Business
Networking Dinner
at Rockpool Bar & Grill,

Successfully held on 21st March 2024

Presented by


Here’s what we discussed:

Data powers the modern world, whether it’s gaining a rich view of your customer’s habits so their experiences can be more personalised, or validating the legitimacy of a transaction as it happens.

Every company and software is built around the application of data, the moment it occurs – to power real-time customer experiences, improve efficiencies in your backend operations, and launch new products and services. And recently, with the recent resurgence of GenAI, many organisations are attempting to find new ways of deriving real-time value from their most critical asset – their data.

However, like most other enterprises, your teams are finding it really hard to integrate data across your applications, systems, and teams to deliver customer or employee experiences that make sense. So, what’s really holding you back? Participants joined Confluent for this exclusive executive dinner, as we discussed:

  • How to create data consistency
  • Powering your use cases with a Next-Gen Data Architecture
  • Shifting mindset from “Where is my data and how to access it?”
  • How you can supercharge your business outcomes with Data Streaming


18:00 – 18:15


18:15 – 19:00

Roundtable Discussion

19:00 – 20:00


20:00 – 20:20


20:20 – 20:30


Solution Expert

VP of Sales, APAC at Confluent

Deepak is responsible for the growth of Confluent Cloud revenues from enterprise, mid-market, digital native, and startup organizations in the APAC region. Based in Singapore, Deepak leads the Digital Native team in South East Asia and Australia & New Zealand at Confluent, a high-growth segment for the company focused on supporting new, emerging companies.

He also leads the Enterprise team in the rest of South East Asia region and Australia & New Zealand, helping established businesses leverage Confluent across the organization.

Before that, Deepak was responsible for building the APAC Commercial and Cloud business in Confluent for over two years. Before joining Confluent, Deepak was leading Corporate Sales at Google Cloud in South Asia – working closely with Digital Native & Mid-market customers within the region. During his experience of 25+ years in the IT Industry, he has been instrumental in scaling several revenue-generating business units at Oracle Corporation and Dell EMC. He also co-founded a startup for startups with a vision to connect new-age companies with traditional enterprise customers in emerging markets.


Dinner at Rockpool Bar & Grill,

Rockpool Bar & Grill,
66 Hunter St, Sydney NSW, Sydney

View on map

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